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Rare high quality replica MP40, made in the heyday of Japanese replicas and in very good condition. It's far better than the Denix replica! Looks and feels like the original. Designed to take a genuine MP40 mag - and this one actually comes with a genuine MP40 mag dated 1941. Cocks, dry-fires and chambers. The mag can take 1 inert and when dry-fired the bolt loads the inert round into the chamber. The replica extractor does not remove the inert round but it can just be removed by holding the gun back and sideways. A lot cheaper than a old spec deact! No MGC stamp but steel build like an MGC replica. VCR Act applies. 


Comes with:


  • Genuine MP 40 mag dated 1941
  • Reproduction leather sling
  • Five 9mm inert rounds



Rare MP40 Replica with Genuine MP40 Magazine, Inert Rounds & Sling -- SOLD

SKU: Product Ref.: 73743MP40MGC

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